Jordan (Joe) Christensen Bassi
March 20th, 1978 – July 4th, 2020 (originally posted to Joe's Facebook page)
REST in the love of your family and friends and IN pain-free PEACE.

After battling severe health issues for years, Joe asked to go on an aggressive pain management plan, which ultimately helped him go on his final voyage, swiftly and peacefully.
Joe was exceptional in facing life's challenges. He lived with great courage, strength, and an unparalleled sense of humor. Joe influenced everyone that knew him. He had a gift for making people better for knowing him – which was his greatest gift to the world. Joe was a teacher of patience and perspective, and never let up on his authenticity and sincerity. Joe had no room for half-truths.
Joe was a huge sports fan. He watched almost every sport under the sun. His favorites include hockey (New Jersey Devils), wrestling, soccer, and football. He loved music, such as rap and heavy metal. One of his favorite artists was Bob Dylan. Joe loved listening to podcasts (mostly comedy podcasts), which include Bill Burr and Joe Rogan. He loved nature documentaries and animals.
Joe loved to write lyrics and anecdotes about life and his perspective. He liked to watch his brother Alexander play video games over the internet almost every week, or have video chats, so they could spend time together while living far apart. He loved getting hugs from his mother and holding her hand.
Most importantly, Joe loved his friends, aunts, uncles, cousins, his half-brother Peter, his father William Bradley Bassi (deceased), his brother Alexander Christensen Bassi and his mother Judith Christensen, who survive him.
Joe's last words were "Tell everyone I love them. I have no regrets."
Joe's family asks that if you know someone with a disability, please reach out and try to make a friend with them. If you would like to make a donation in Joe's name, please see the following link to United Cerebral Palsy:
Joe's family is planning on holding a memorial service sometime next year, when it is safe to gather.
Thank you for visiting Joe's website. Please feel free to register for an account to share pictures, memories, or have discussions with each other.